Prizes & awards 2019
Prize for PhDs
Department | Laboratory | Prizes & awards |
COSYS | SII | Nicolas LE TOUZ Albertis Chair: 2019 thesis prize in the category Transport for his work on the design and study of positive energy transport infrastructure: from thermomechanical modelling to the optimisation of such energy systems on the IFSTTAR R5G project. |
Prizes Innovation / Valorisation
Departements | Laboratories | Prizes & awards |
COSYS | SII | Nassif BERRABAH received the scientific prize awarded by EDF R&D for his CIFRE-funded thesis “Inverse problems for diagnosis of electric cables from reflectometry measurements”. |
MAST | LAMES | Juliette BLANC received the FEREC Foundation prize for the Mine BPL project. |
MAST | MIT | Emmanuel CHAILLEUX received the “Best Innovation Project” prize jointly with Dr Davide Lo Presti (University of Nottingham) for “BIOREPAVATION: Innovation in Bio-Recycling of Old Asphalt Pavements”, which was awarded during the STA 2019 Conference. |
COSYS | ESTAS | Mohamed GHAZEL with O. Cazier (Cazier Conseil) received the Charles Parey - Gold medal for innovation which is awarded every four years in the road sector for a study entitled “MORIPAN : a new approach to safety at level crossings” which was submitted at the 26th World Road Congress. |
COSYS | LICIT | Ludovic LECLERCQ received the 2019 Lyon University Grand Prix, awarded by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. |
COSYS | LEPSIS | Fabrice VIENNE was awarded the "Mix & Match" prize at the "Security & Safety Meetings". |
MAST | EMGCU | André ORCESI received the AFGC 2019 Prize which is awarded to engineers, researchers and academics for work conducted in the scientific and technical spheres. |
Prizes for publications / papers / conferences
Départements | Laboratoires | Prix & distinctions |
COSYS | LISIS | Maria BARRIERA Jointly-awarded 1st prize for the best doctoral poster at the JTR 2019 for tests conducted on the weigh-inmotion scale developed by the Start up company Altaroad. |
AME | UMRAE | Simon BIANCHETTI, Pierre AUMOND, Mehdi REGRAGUI with Raphaëlle DUQUESNOY won1st prize at the Soundscape Hackathon in Ghent (Belgique). |
AME | UMRAE | Marianne BOU LEBA BASSIL won 3rd prize for the best doctoral poster at 2019 Technical Road Days (JTR) for: “Study of the aerodynamic mechanisms responsible for tyre -road contact noise”. |
TS2 | LBA | Oscar CHERTA received the 1st prize at the YRS2019 young researchers seminar, which is jointly organised by ECTRI, FEHRL and FERSI for the study “Protection issues for motorcyclists’ airbag protectors: A parametric study based on real accident data”, in the theme of Transport Safety. |
GERS | GMG | Jean-François CORTE and Jacques GARNIER, former IFSTTAR researchers have been admitted to the 2019 Hall of Fame for “Paper 7796 (1995): E.C. Clukey, M.J. Morrison, J. Garnier, and J.F. Corte - The Response of Suction Caissons in Normally Consolidated Clays to Cyclic TLP Loading Conditions”. |
AME | SPLOTT | Adeline HEITZ received two prizes awarded by World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) :
MAST | CPDM / MIT | Heriberto MARTINEZ 2nd prize in the young researchers competition during the XVth forum on the Bioedeterioration of Materials for a poster and an oral presentation on the bioprecipiation of calcium carbonates. |
AME | GEOLOC | Johan PERUL received an award for the 3rd best presentation at the doctoral student day at the MathSTIC doctoral school for his presentation of research on Kalman filter based innovative tight fusion for pedestrian navigation. |
Nominations at Highest Institutions
Departments | Laboratories | Prizes & awards |
MAST | DIR | Bruno GODART, was appointed Chair of the Scientific and Technical Evaluation Committee for Bridges at MTES. |
MAST | GPEM | Anne VENTURA has received the title of Chevalier by the Ordre des Palmes Académiques.